Monday, January 2, 2012

Green energy campaign in Madurai

The Madurai Division of Southern Railway has launched a campaign to create awareness of utilisation of green energy for clean environment. It has been counselling employees and public about the need to switch to green energy wherever possible and has put up banners at important stations. An awareness campaign is also conducted through distribution of pamphlets, television advertisements and short messaging service.
A seminar on ‘green energy for clean environment' was held here on Thursday in which Divisional Railway Manager A. K. Goel highlighted the need to use more renewable energy sources to arrest the ill-effects of global warming. He said that among all alternative energy sources, the country was endowed with abundant solar and wind energy, which were everlasting energy sources with zero pollution. The thrust of the seminar was on adoption of non-conventional energy sources wherever feasible. It also emphasised the need to conserve electricity.

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