Mahindra Reva, an electric car making unit of country’s one of the largest and most diversified vehicle makers Mahindra & Mahindra, has sped-up the process of the launch its much anticipated electric vehicle – Reva NXR – in the Indian market. The new generation electric car NXR was recently seen testing on Indian roads, indicating towards its early launch. A white color Reva NXR model was caught testing in Mysore, covered in no camouflaging at all.
The three door Reva NXR model will be carrying a seating capacity of 4 persons. As per the reports, the customers will be having option of choosing one of the Lithium-ion and lead acid battery. The new Mahindra Reva NXR will be rolled-out in three different variants with a varying degree of range from 80 – 160 km/h. The top end variant of the car will be having a top speed of 104 km/h with range of 160 km.
The Reva NXR is a new generation electric vehicle which carrying a number of improvements and upgrades as compared to the earlier Reva i electric car. The car will come blessed with a range of advanced features including display for time-to-full-charge display, Pre-heat or pre-cool the car, an interactive e-mail system that tells the drivers in context with their driving habits, and new REVive technology.
The new Mahindra Reva NXR model will be showcased at the upcoming Delhi International Auto Expo, where a number of electric car enthusiasts will be waiting to get the first glimpse of the car. It is expected to be shelved in the price segment of Rs 4 to 6 lakh.
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