Friday, November 1, 2013

Green Cotton

Chinese and the Arabs discovered gun powder. Gun powder is a mixture of Potassium Nitrate, sulphur and charcoal. This was replaced in 1845 by nitrocellulose usually known as green cotton. Later, a terribly unstable explosive nitroglycerin was discovered.

Alfred Nobel combined nitroglycerin with silaceous earth (later with wood pulp) to make dynamite in 1867. It was Alfred Nobel who instituted the coveted Nobel prizes out of the profit made by selling dynamite.

The more modern explosives ammonium nitrate, trinitrotoluene, (TNT) and mixtures of such compounds.

Another very powerful explosive always in news is RDX or Research Department Explosive. Chemically it is known as Cyclotrimethylene trinitranine and is one and half times more powerful than TNT used in the military.

The most powerful explosive is Hexa nitro iso wurtzitane (CL20).

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